The Red Carpet - Precare, Aftercare & Consent

Precare, Aftercare & Consent

Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliation that consists of using a surgical scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dulling dead skin cells in order to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion. 
The procedure aims to give facial skin a smooth, youthful, and radiant appearance. As well as smoothing skin and removing “peach fuzz,” it it also known to help minimise the look of scars, sun-damaged skin, and small wrinkles.

The EPN Microneedling pen is the worlds first medically certified Microneedling device on the market which combines the benefits of dermal needling with the advanced delivery of Electroporation.

The stamping action of the EPN Pen's vertical tip creates invisible micro-injuries to the skin, while stimulating the skin’s natural ability to heal itself and increase the production of new collagen. In doing so, these micro-injuries encourage and harness the body’s innate ability to regrow and repair the skin through normal physiological processes and the skin becomes rejuvenated and refreshed.

Electroporation is a technique in which an electrical field is applied to cells in order to increase the permeability of the membranes, allowing products to be introduced into the cell more efficiently. 

The combination of Microneedling and Electroporation within one handheld device maximises the production of new collagen and elastin fibres, whilst delivering a safe and minimally invasive treatment. This revolutionary pairing of technology means that your results are MAXIMISED as serums with high molecular weight are induced into deeper dermal layers.

Microneedling is one of, if not the best treatment for Scarring/Stretch Marks/Fine Lines.
The needles create tiny injuries which causes your skin to go into 'fight mode'. This then promotes the formation of new skin cells and accelerates healing. At the same time, it breaks down old scar tissue to pave the way for new skin cells.

Dermalux LED Therapy is a popular non invasive skin treatment for acne, sun damage, wounds, and other skin problems.

The treatment uses varying wavelengths of light to trigger the skin’s natural healing processes to repair the skin. Several treatments are necessary to see results.

LED is safe, non-thermal, nontoxic and non-invasive, and to date no side effects have been reported in published literature. In the 20 years that LED has been used in the medical and beauty industry, there have been no reported incidents of adverse reactions or damage caused by LED therapy.



-Do not use active topicals that may increase the sensitivity of your skin such as retinoids, exfoliants, topical antibiotics or acids 5 days prior to your treatment.

-Do not take anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen 3 days prior to your Microneedling session. These will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical for your skin rejuvenation.

-Avoid ANY other facial treatment at least 2 weeks prior to your treatment.

-Avoid blood thinning agents for 1 week prior to your treatment to prevent bruising.

-Avoid extensive sun exposure / the use of tanning beds at least 2 weeks prior to your treatment.
(We obviously advise that you stop using tanning beds altogether because they increase your risk of skin cancer and accelerate visible signs of aging).

-Likewise, avoid Hair Removal at least 1 week prior to your treatment.
(Whether that be Waxing, Laser or Cream – Shaving is okay if done gently ensuring no nicks).

-In addition, please make sure you are not wearing makeup on the day of your treatment.




Although the majority of patients do not experience any complications with Microneedling, it is important you understand that risks do exist. The Microneedling procedure is minimally invasive and uses a set of microneedles to inflict multiple, tiny, punctures/lacerations to the outermost layer of the skin.

I am aware of the following risks/complications that may occur:

  1. Scraping marks / Nicks from the Dermaplaning blade
  2. Track marks from the Microneedling pen
  3. Mild to moderate discomfort or pain
  4. Slight redness or swelling
  5. Sun sensitivity
  6. Skin sensitivity
  7. Pigment changes
  8. Scarring
  9. Allergic reaction
  10. Bacterial infection
  11. Minor peeling/shedding/flaking

I am also aware there is a risk of more serious side effects, including:

Possible scarring. Microneedling isn’t a good idea for people who are prone to keloid scarring. Anyone can get a keloid scar, but they're more common in people with darker skin, such as people from Africa and African-Caribbean and south Indian communities.

Unfortunately unless you have had surgery in the past or a deep cut where a scar has formed you will not know whether you are/are not prone to keloid scarring. Which is why it is important to know that there is a risk of this with Microneedling.

Infection. Microneedling creates tiny holes in the skin, which could let germs enter. But the risk of infection is very low. If you’re healthy, an infection from Microneedling is unlikely.

Skin Pigment Changes. Microneedling may worsen dark spots if your skin scars or becomes inflamed easily. If this is the case, Microneedling may cause more inflammation. Following this, your body will send white blood cells to fight off bacteria and infection. This can trigger the production of more melanin, which can then form dark spots or worsen those that are already there.

Granulomatous Dermatitis. Microneedling has been reported to cause Granulomatous Dermatitis, but it is rare.
If you notice small red lumps / circles appear on your skin following your Microneedling session I would contact your GP and arrange a face to face appointment with them. They will be able to give a prescription strength treatment to help heal Granulomatous Dermatitis at a much quicker rate. 

I confirm I do not suffer with any of the Contra-indications associated with Microneedling:

  1. Pregnancy or Lactation
  2. Acute and Chronic Infections
  3. Skin diseases (i.e. SLE, porphyria, allergies)
  4. Cancer
  5. Chemotherapy treatments
  6. Severe metabolic and systemic disorders
  7. Abnormal platelet function (blood disorders, i.e. Hemodynamic
  8. Instability, Hypofibrinogenemia, Critical Thrombocytopenia)
  9. Chronic Liver Disease
  10. Anti-coagulation therapy (Coumadin, Warfarin, Plavix, Aspirin, Lovenox)
  11. Underlying Sepsis
  12. Systemic use of corticosteroids within two weeks of procedure
  13. Herpes Simplex (cold sores or fever blisters)
    An anti-viral medication may be necessary prior to treatment
  14. Dermatitis
  15. Open skin lesions
  16. Uncontrolled diabetes
  17. Extensive sun or tanning 3 days prior and 3 days post treatment
  18. Accutane in the past 6 months to 1 year
  19. Prescription topical retinol products in the past 2 weeks
  20. Waxing of area to be treated in the past 7 days
  21. Skin must be healthy and intact
  22. An allergy to aspirin
  23. Active Infections (skin/scalp)
  24. Allergy/Hypersensitivity to certain skincare ingredients / topicals
  25. Granulomas
  26. Prone to Keloid scarring

I understand that the treatment may involve risks of complication or injury from both known and unknown causes, and I freely assume those risks. Prior to receiving treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on this procedure.

I consent and authorise all therapist’s at Skin by Paige Alexandra to use all products and equipment that make up the Red Carpet Facial treatment on me. I certify that I have read this entire informed consent and I understand and agree to the information provided in the form. My questions regarding the procedure have been answered satisfactorily.

I hereby release all therapist’s at Skin by Paige Alexandra from all liabilities associated with this procedure. This consent is valid for all of my Red Carpet Facial treatments and all technologies in the future as well.




What To Expect:

After your treatment it is completely normal to be red for up to 3 days, although most clients find the redness has gone in 24 hours. If you are super red after your appointment, please don't' panic this is a good thing! Please also DO NOT take any anti-inflammatories to try and speed up your healing. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process which is critical and responsible for skin rejuvenation.

It is also completely normal to experience dryness, tightness & mild flaking post treatment.  It’s important to know everyone's skin reacts differently to Microneedling. The active ingredients used alongside Microneedling are very beneficial to your skin, but if your skin is not used to them it can make it a little dry at first. If your skin is super dry, it can sometimes be a little itchy. To help with this you can take an antihistamine for the next day or 2. 

Believe it or not, it’s not only down to your body’s anatomy as to how quick you heal but also your home skincare routine.

As a general rule of thumb I say to not use any Acids or Retinals or harsh ingredients on your skin for the next 3 days. But if your skin is still red, dry or slightly marked after 3 days then you should continue to not use those ingredients until you get to a stage where it is calm again.

Your skin may also go a little red each time you are exposed to heat for the next couple of days after Microneedling and experiencing sensitivity / tingling sensation for the next few days is also not uncommon.

Over the next few days you may / may not notice a few spots pop up. This is NOT A BREAKOUT. Believe it or not, it’s actually a good thing! The correct term for this is called Purging.

The term skin purging refers to an increase in cell turnover speed when using active ingredients or a cell turnover increasing facial like Microneedling. Your skin will begin to shed dead skin cells faster than normal revealing clearer more youthful looking skin. But before these new, healthy cells can make there way to the surface, the not so good stuff has to rise to the top first. Which is sebum and build up from the below the skins surface which clogs pores. The not so glam side of Purging.


Once you have undergone your Red Carpet treatment expect to see some changes with your skin prior to getting your final results. Just as there are some instructions you should follow before your treatment there are also instructions you should follow after your treatment to ensure the best possible results.

-Do not wash your face or apply any skincare products for 12 hours

-Do not apply Retinals, Acids or Exfoliants for 3-5 days post treatment. 

-Do not apply makeup for 24 hours.
Once 24 hours has passed and you wish to wear makeup, please ensure your brushes are clean and sanitised

-Avoid exercise/sweating for 24 hours

-Avoid swimming, sauna’s and spa environments for 3-5 days

-Sleep on a clean pillowcase at night. Preferably Silk / Satin (Like this).

-Do not peel or pick at your skin if it does begin to flake. You must allow the skin to flake off naturally. Picking at the peeling skin can cause hyperpigmentation.

-Golden Rule: Make sure that you are also avoiding direct sun exposure. Especially tanning beds.
(Preferably forever! But if you must, please wait 14 days)

-Make sure to keep your skin well hydrated with a protective moisturiser. Apply it twice daily or more often if needed to reduce the appearance of flaking.

-Drink LOTS of water!

-Last but not least, do not have any other treatments for 14 days following your treatment.



The steps taken after Microneedling are super important and must be taken seriously to ensure your skin heals as it should.

As Microneedling creates lots of little open wounds beyond what the eye can see, it is very important to keep your skin clean over the next 24-48 hours to prevent infection.

As mentioned above, Skin Purging can happen. But it is important to know the difference between a purge and a developing skin infection.
If abnormal puss filled spots begin to appear which are weeping and seem to be spreading then please contact you GP right away and request some antibiotics.