Jalupro Precare, Aftercare & Consent

Precare, Aftercare & Consent

Jalupro is a sterile reabsorbable injectable solution which acts  as dermal biorevitalizer which can be used for improving skin texture and minimizing evidence of skin wrinkles of the face. Containing a potent cocktail of amino acids and hyaluronic acid (HA). These are vital building blocks of healthy and hydrated skin. Jalupro works by stimulating the fibroblasts in the skin to encourage it to produce a complete mix of collagen and elastin, restoring the vibrancy, youthful glow and health of the skin in a course of 3 treatment sessions, 14 days apart.

Although Jalupro contains hyaluronic acid, which is present in most modern, temporary dermal fillers, it differs in that it does not physically plump the skin, but creates a more natural result by communicating with the skin on an intercellular level so that it can heal and mend itself. This is due to the added amino acids present in Jalupro which are vital in the maintenance of healthy, youthful-looking skin.

The improvements to the firmness, elasticity and overall quality of your skin should last up to 6 months.



-It is crucial that you do not consume alcohol at least 24 hours before undergoing the Jalupro Skin Booster injections, as alcohol can thin the blood and increase the possibility of bruising.

-You should also avoid medications like Blood Thinners, Aspiriin or Anti Inflammatories for 1 week prior to your treatment.

-Avoid other facial treatments at least 1 week prior to your treatment.

-Avoid extensive sun exposure / the use of tanning beds at least 3 days prior to your treatment.
(We obviously advise that you stop using tanning beds altogether because they increase your risk of skin cancer and accelerate visible signs of aging).

-Likewise, avoid Hair Removal (to the area you are receiving Botox) at least 1 week prior to your treatment.
(Whether that be Waxing, Laser or Cream – Shaving is okay if done gently ensuring no nicks).

-In addition, please make sure you are not wearing makeup on the day of your treatment.

Helpful tips to prevent bruising at the injection point:

-As mentioned above avoid medications like Blood Thinners, Aspiriin or Anti Inflammatories for 1 week prior to your treatment.

Take Arnica tablets for 1 week prior to your treatment

-Up your Iron, B12 & Vitamin C intake if you are prone to bruising.




It is important to know bruising at the injection point can happen.
It is rare that you will bruise at each and every injection point but it is important to know It can happen. This doesn't mean anything has gone wrong or it has been administered incorrectly, it just means the end of the needle has nicked a blood vessel below the surface lower than the eye can see, which has caused the blood to come up to the surface and form a small bruise.

-Apply a cold compress to the bruise, but be sure to not press down hard
-Apply Arnica Gel
-Be Patient, the bruise will go

-Massage the area, this will cause the bruise to spread


I am aware of the following risks/complications that may occur:

  1. Mild to moderate discomfort or pain
  2. Slight redness or swelling
  3. Inflammation
  4. Fainting
  5. Bleeding
  6. Bruising/Swelling
  7. Risk of Infection

In the event of an adverse reaction medical help should be sought immediately.

I confirm I do not suffer with any of the Contra-indications associated with
Jalupro Skin Booster Injections:

  • Coldsores (herpes virus)
  • Granulomas
  • Spots/acne at the injection sites
  • Active Infections (skin)
  • Allergy/Hypersensitivity to Hyaluronic Acid
  • Scar tissue
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding mothers
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • Unrealistic Expectations
  • Blood thinning medication
  • Epilepsy
  • Papustular Rosacea
  • Open Lesions
  • Solar Keratosis
  • Skin Cancer
  • Haemophilia
  • Autoimmune diseases

I understand that the treatment may involve risks of complication or injury from both known and unknown causes, and I freely assume those risks. Prior to receiving treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on this procedure.

I consent and authorise all therapist’s at Skin by Paige Alexandra to use all products and equipment that make up the Jalupro Skin Booster treatment on me. I certify that I have read this entire informed consent and I understand and agree to the information provided in the form. My questions regarding the procedure have been answered satisfactorily.

I hereby release all therapist’s at Skin by Paige Alexandra from all liabilities associated with this procedure. This consent is valid for all of my Jalupro Skin Booster treatments in the future as well.



What To Expect:

After your treatment you may leave clinic with lots of small bumps where the product has been injected. These small bumps can last anywhere from 1 hour to 48 hours before dispersing under the skin.

Bruising is the most common side effect and usually shows immediately and will last for 3-5 days. There can also be some mild swelling and tenderness. This is all completely normal and generally reduces within a few days to a week. No recovery time is required, and you can return to your daily activities immediately. 


-If you wish to massage the injection points to encourage breakdown of the small bumps, please do so gently to avoid bruising. Ensure your hands are clean and sanitised before touching your face. 

-Do not wash your face or apply any skincare products for 4-6 hours

-Do not apply makeup for 4-6 hours.
  Once 24 hours has passed and you wish to wear makeup, please ensure your brushes   
  are clean and sanitised

-Avoid exercise / sweating for 24 hours

-Avoid swimming, sauna’s and spa environments for 48 hours

-Sleep on a clean pillowcase at night. Preferably Silk / Satin (Like this).

-Golden Rule: Make sure that you are also avoiding direct sun exposure. Especially tanning beds.
(Preferably forever! But if you must, please wait 7 days)

-Drink LOTS of water!