Dermaplaning - Aftercare / What To Expect
What To Expect Post Dermaplaning:
The ultimate GLOW!
-Do not wash your face or apply any skincare products for 12 hours
-Do not apply Retinals, Acids or Exfoliants for 24 hours
-Do not apply makeup for 24 hours.
Once 24 hours has passed and you wish to wear makeup, please ensure your brushes are clean and sanitised
-Avoid exercise/sweating for 24 hours
-Avoid swimming, sauna’s and spa environments for 3-5 days
-Sleep on a clean pillowcase at night. Preferably Silk / Satin (Like this).
-Golden Rule: Make sure that you are also avoiding direct sun exposure. Especially tanning beds.
(Preferably forever! But if you must, please wait 14 days)
-Make sure to keep your skin well hydrated with a protective moisturiser.
-Drink LOTS of water!
-Last but not least, do not have any other treatments for 14 days following your treatment.